What exactly should be on a credit report?
What do lenders look for when applying for a home loan?
How do I repair my credit?
How can I increase my credit score?
Home Loan Modifications
Should I Modify my home loan?
What is Obama’s Loan Modification Plan?
What the lenders do not want you to know.
What are the steps in Foreclosure?
I just need more time to get back on my feet what do I do?
I am in foreclosure now, what do I do?
Other Options
Should I Short Sale?
Should I file Bankruptcy?
I am upside down on my mortgage what can I do?
Can my friends or family buy my home at a discount so I can stay there?
Should I short sale my home?
For those of you whom are seeking advice or assistance for loan modifications, short sales, foreclosure defense, or lender abuse, please read the following before reading any further...
Faith Brashear is the Author of the upcoming book, Defrauded Nations. These disclosures are on this site, for her protection and the protection of the consumers for whom she shares this information with. This is her PERSONAL Advocacy Work and is completely separate from the rest of this site. The book exposes the truth of what happened in the Mortgage Crisis and how the lenders used your loans in the Worlds Largest Racketeering Scheme. Yes, she even had to place disclosures in the book itself, as the information within those pages is potent. We highly recommend purchasing this book for your own enlightenment as she is busily reworking revisions to update it with stronger information for consumer protection. Meanwhile visit her personal site at if you are having issues with you lender. Because once you know what happened, the bullets being shot at you by the lending industry, will fall at your feet. For now, while you are waiting....
Need a little help?
Don’t get kicked out of you home. Better Quest has access to, paralegals, and other home save advocates who specializes in all types of foreclosure defense, buying, selling, short selling, rehabbing of residential and commercial property. We do it the right way. Real Estate Agents do not know all the answers, we have the guts to give you straight answers to difficult questions through the advocate eyes of Faith Brashear. This can also be found in her new book release.
Want Answers?
If you are tired of getting the run around and want straight honest answers. Here you go. Understand that this is our opinion, and we are not attorneys, the information we are providing is to help you make an informed decision to your specific situation, and we have been on the front line for years, we know what we are talking about.
There are only five ways to postpone a Trustee Sale...
File For Bankruptcy
Redeem The Mortgage
Apply For A Loan Modification
File A Temporary Restraining Order
Attempt To Do A Short Sale